Ah, yes, Nowhere Man. Back in the heady days of '94, or was it '95, I remember watching this show on UPN. A new network had been launched, and new shows were filling the airways. As it was filmed in and around Portland, Oregon, I always liked identifying the sights, especially when he was in 'Boston' or 'Washington, D.C.' or some other major city. Of course, UPN, being run by thick-headed dolts (or maybe monkeys, I've always thought they might be part of those million monkeys), cancelled it before we found out what was REALLY going on (though it apparently involved clones of Senators).

Of course, its constant imminent demise did not prevent my friends and me from enjoying it. Indeed, we speculated on what would happen if it was crossed with the The X-files, though the best that we could come up with was a title, either The Nowhere Files or X-Man. Needless to say, we preferred the latter.