Norwegian humorist and front figure (as M'Pete) in the satirical boy band Boyzvoice. He became famous in Norway for his characters called Hoff on the talkshow Mandagsklubben ("The Monday Club"). The characters were all made by him and his "sidekick" Henrik Elvestad.

Espen Eckbo has a very special way of doing humor, of the kind you either love or hate. He always seems dead serious at interviews and the like, even when he is making a complete fool of himself. And he always stay in character, so in interviews as M'Pete, he would deny any knowledge of and similarity to Espen Eckbo.

The single most funny thing he ever did must be when he pretended to be a journalist at a press conference. Our prime minister at the time, Kjell Magne Bondevik, had just returned from depressions, and Espen Eckbo asked whether the journalists would get anything to eat after the press conference... :)

Some of his characters are: