Being one who has formerly been in the line of work enough to know, I would like to dispense my knowledge of professional courtesy towards law enforcement, and getting out of tickets.

  • First things first, DO NOT DISPUTE the reason why he pulled you over, compliance is key to getting off light
  • DO NOT DISPUTE the technology, most police officers are under-educated nontechnical people, it will not make sense to them and will confuse them, this is NEVER good
  • When the Officer firsts turns on his lights, Pull over in a safe place, meaning one where you and the officer feel safe.
  • Pull over as soon a possible.
  • Turn on hazard lights once stopped no matter where you pull over.
  • Turn radio off before the officer gets to the window of your vehicle.
  • Have window rolled down before the officer gets to the window.
  • Be polite, do not be rude or abrasive towards the officer
  • When asked, in the case of a speeding ticket, why you were traveling so fast, UNLESS you are faced with a real emergency be honest, “I wish I could say there was sir, but no I was just not watching the speedometer.” This is a more understandable response then “I was late for work.” This shows that you are doubly irresponsible.
  • Have Licenses, and insurance ready for them, the sooner he gets those the sooner you get on with it.
  • If you have a concealed handgun license MAKE SURE the officer sees that first, let him know you have a weapon, when asked where it is, do not physically show him, slowly point to the weapon putting yourself in a vulnerable position where the officer feels safe. Then ask if he/she would like for you to step out of the vehicle. Whatever he/she says go along with it.
  • Remember, the safer the officer feels, then the more comfortable he/she will feel, and the better mood he/she will be in.
  • Don’t be nervous, I know it’s hard, but try not to be, that will make the officer uncomfortable. Also that will give the impression of a coward something that testosterone frenzied cops do not like.