After a prolonged siesta (=days away from work) from noding on E2, I have finally returned!

Hence, my thoughts for today:
I took yesterday off in order to have a late lunch with my dad and Uncle Joe yesterday. It was one of those awkward lunches where I wanted to say something, just anything to cheer him up. But then I realized that his fallen marriage cannot be repaired so easily. I wonder if this will ever happen to me - although I highly doubt it.

His stares into space were that of emptiness. He misses his son dearly and remembers the turmoil he had with his wife whenever my dad tried to say something about it. I could see it in his eyes. He did not need to explain to me how his life is so devoid of love right now.

I also met his new girlfriend and friends of hers as well. It was a room full of alpha males and females. Actually, there were two men and four women that were strangers to me. Talk about social shock!

When I compare the two instances, how my Uncle was loving and kissing another, and the emptiness he feels, I can't help but come to the conclusion that:
It won't last.

His Love for now may actually be the "flavour of the year".

I am so sad for him.