Hmm. I think the oldest incidence of this phrase I (as a large Jewish nigga - does that make me a Jigga?) can think of is from an episode of The Jeffersons, which used it on (gulp) American television. Scene goes approximately like this- George Jefferson has bought his wife Louise (Weezy!) a very nice watch, and she's just unwrapped it.

    Louise (L): Oh, George, it's lovely. How much did it cost?

    George (G) (muffled, aside, behind his hand): thrhuntdolz.

    L: What, George? I can't hear you.

    G (A bit clearer): threehunnertdollz.

    L: What?

    G (giving up, said clearly and emphatically): Three Hundred Dollars.

    L (hands on hips, outraged): Three Hundred Dollars?!?? Nigga PLEASE!

The first time I saw this scene, I had to run from the room to stop laughing, my sides hurt so badly. I have since been told by others that these were not the words used, since they couldn't use the term...but I know what I heard. Maybe they cut/censored/dubbed over it for some airings, I don't know.