TheChronicler's Super-Improved Guacamole! Now with more greenish freshness!

  • Two avacodos
  • Two stalks of cilantro, minced
  • 1/3 of a large red onion, minced
  • Two small cloves of garlic, minced
  • Two or three small, diced cherry tomatoes
  • Splash of lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Smash the avacodos. Add the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix. Add cilantro, onion, tomatoes, and garlic. Serve.

This recipe is "cooler" than the one below and contrasts better with the capsaicin in salsa.

Guacamole is a fruit paste made from the flesh of an avocado (sans skin and pit, of course), mashed, with other additives (most commonly lemon juice, salt, pepper, tomatoes, garlic, and onions). In Spanish, it is pronounced "hwa-ka-mo-lay". In English, it is pronounces "gwa-ka-mo-lee". It is most commonly used in Mexican cooking, Tex-Mex, and some American foods (especially Californian cuisine).

Typically, guacamole is a mild green color, but can sometimes be found with a yellowish or brownish tint. Because of the nature of avacodos, guacamole will usually become brown after a couple of hours (but is usually still fine for consumption). This can be counteracted by adding lemon juice or placing the avacado pits whole into the guacamole.

Guacamole is usually made with one to three avocados, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Guacamole can come smooth or chunky, depending on the preferences of the cook as well as added ingredients. The consistency can be anywhere from watery to paste-like.

My recipe for guacamole is as follows:

  • Three avocados
  • One tablespoon salsa (more may be added, but may turn the guacamole brown)
  • One tablespoon lemon juice
  • One tomato, diced
  • One quarter of a red onion, diced
  • One teaspoon chili powder
  • One teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • One teaspoon garlic salt
  • One clove garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

Flay and de-pit the avocados, placing the flesh in a large bowl. Add lemon juice. Smash the contents of the bowl (a potato masher works well). Add the salsa, spices, and garlic. Mix. Add fresh ingredients. Stir carefully as to not smash the tomatoes. The contents can also be mixed in a blender for smoother guacamole.