I didn't realize that a weekend could be this boring. Friday I decided to go lift and run, then reward myself by heading to the local watering hole (Partner's). The bartender is nice and the drinks are strong and cheap, and that's a good enough combination for me to go. I was there for an hour or two, of course Ricky didn't call me back so I had to call him. He was at Flanny's and of course I was welcome to come.
I went over there for a few drinks and saw two guys that I work with at the bar (Timothy's). One of them mentioned going to a bar over at one of the local hotels, so I dragged Ricky along. I also invited one of my friends from High School that I hadn't seen in a few years. His parents moved close to Dayton and he was in town after spending time in BYU and on a two year mission trip. It was nice catching with him, and it wasn't too awkward seeing as how he is Mormon and does not drink.
I convinced Jacob to buy Ricky and I some Taco Bell, so we got some food and went to a party over on campus. I talked with Jacob for a while longer, then I went back to the apartment for bed. Jessica called at about 1am, after I had been asleep for about an hour. We talked for a while, she had gone out and was missing me. She got another call, so I was on hold for about 10min before I hung up. She called again, but I didn't pick up and she left a message. Then she called about 3 minutes after that and we talked a little longer. It was nice talking with her.
The next day I worked out in the morning and waited for my internet and digital cable to be hooked up. I sat around for a while and watched movies. I also put about 300 pictures up on facebook. John came and we hung out for a while, had a few beers. Ricky came over and we had a few more beers. Then we went over to Scott's house before I had to work at the bar at 11. It was a good time. His house is very creepy. They are not allowed to go into their storm cellar, but we went to peek around anyway. It was fun, but scary. Then I went to work and ended up IDing all night. I had a few drinks and talked with some friends from sophomore year. For some reason, a wedding party came in to party for most of the night. The bride was walking around the nasty bar in her wedding dress for the entire night. I did make a good tip out, so it wasn't all bad.
Sunday I went and did some cardio, then took Ricky to Chipotle. Then I layed around all day and watched TV. I hope the weekends get better.