
Last night I did nothing remarkable. Just split the YiffCam news system apart from YiffCam and gave it a fear-inducing, marketable name. Muahahahahaaa. (Laugh of an Evil Hacker) The name is "leanweblog".

Then, I had a dream. Something about sheds and Black & White.

Today? I got a hair cut. Suddently, my eyesight and hearing became 100 times more accurate. Go figure.

Sitting in UNIX lab and planning to do actually useful things...


I noticed a banner ad that had stuff that looked like a scrollable pane, with instuctions "scroll down to view more..." ... user tries to scroll, but of course, it's not a real scrollable area, just a picture, and ends up clicking the ad.

Clever. Too bad my scrollbars look different.


This has been a REALLY short day. I just finished reading Usenet stuff. =( I think I'll go to sleep earlier. Or something.

Oh, BTW, I remember something about the dream I had... so I made a dreamlog.

Now, I'll try to make my Freenet node to work. Good night. =)

Other day logs o' mine...

Noded today by y.t.: friend Dream Log: April 23, 2001