
Seems like E2 had another link purge or something so this day log is a bit late...

Last night, then, I upgraded my video editing software. It didn't help the problem, though, because the patch seemed to update only the drivers, and not the editing software itself. =(

Today, nothing significant has happened. Except for Mozilla 0.9 release, and 0.9 FINALLY has better bookmark management!

Reading Slashdot and such... time to face more challenges.


I printed the lecture PowerPoint^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HPersuasion slides from UI course webpage... I had 8 PDFs, printed them out to files and joined them with mpage (4 pages/page as recommended when printing stuff like this), and gv said it had about 10 pages.

Turned out to be a lot more - 24.

Well at least it didn't print everything on single page.


Hey Kids!

You have probably heard this Everything M-Noder Washroom and how undeniably sweet place it is.

Today, something weird was going on after the link purge - I needed to switch to another room and back to appear in the Other Users list.

The target of my visit was the washroom, of course.

The Borg tried to bite my toe.

I fled.

I guess it's not a nice place afterall.


Some Downtime, I see... Well, not much noded today, but I did update some nodes today, and that was nice enough. And I hope this commentary on weirdness of the world is not completely useless.

What I did this evening? Uh, made the webcam picture suck less (by improving shadow effect's quality), and toyed with Analog.


Oh yeah speaking of analyses...

Earlier today, someone had asked for an analysis of his site. The page had, among other things, a "haiku editor".

I expressed myself with this one (translated to English literally, so these may not go by rules):

I saw a heavy page,
they said in the newsgroups
that it wasn't good.

Regrettably, as I noticed, the thing wasn't Turing-test-passable and could just tell if I had correct number of syllables, not if the poem was any good.

So, I made another one, a bit more, uh, traditional:

Rain clouds are brought
to the sky by Javascript-
the browser crashes.

(My closing comment: "Something to think of to the people in the back row who are considering career in the web industry!" =)

Other day logs o' mine...

Updated: ...some...