Re*morse" (r?*m?rs"), n. [OE. remors, OF. remors,F. remords, LL. remorsus, fr. L. remordere, remorsum, to bite again or back, to torment; pref. re- re- + mordere to bite. See Morsel.]


The anguish, like gnawing pain, excited by a sense of guilt; compunction of conscience for a crime committed, or for the sins of one's past life.

"Nero will be tainted with remorse."



Sympathetic sorrow; pity; compassion.

Curse on the unpardoning prince, whom tears can draw To no remorse. Dryden.

But evermore it seem'd an easier thing At once without remorse to strike her dead. Tennyson.

Syn. -- Compunction; regret; anguish; grief; compassion. See Compunction.


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