For all of you that have been following my constant whining...


Right now it's only part-time (20 hours a week) but it'll go to fulltime once they can afford it. (And if I do my job well, they'll be able to!) They're estimating about 6 weeks before they can afford that, but still!

I get to do layout, writing, and photography for a community newspaper that focuses on arts, concerts, community, events, and things around the county.

This is EXACTLY the kind of job I'd been hoping to get when I moved to California; I NEVER thought I'd have a chance to have it here in Lafayette.

It's a BRAND new publication, they've only put out 2 issues so far, so I'm getting in on the ground floor.

I'm gonna go collapse in a gooey pile of giggly, giddy relief now if that's OK with y'all.