Happy Happy, Joy Joy! :)

So, I had the interview today for the job I really want. It went really, really well. So well, it's almost creepy. Seriously.

Now, don't get all weirded out by the spiritual stuff that's about to follow. When I decided to go ahead and quit working at egghead.com because it was driving me nuts, it was after spending a couple of days praying and thinking and wondering what to do. I finally decided to go ahead and quit because I think that if I work hard enough, God will point me to my next job, or at least give me a few nudges. On my last day at Egghead, I came home to find a message from the company I interviewed with today. I considered that a positive sign. Today I went to the interview, and it went really well. The company is a Catholic company, and there was a cross hanging in the lobby where I was waiting. I looked at the cross, and then a sense of peace came over me and my nervous stomach went away. I was calm. I was relaxed. I was ready.

I had a careful answer for every question they asked me. I nailed the techie questions. Everyone was smiling at me, and the overall vibe was really, really good. It was almost like a really good dream where you have all the answers and you are Queen of the World. I think I'm in. I think that God pointed me there, even though I'm not Catholic.

Ugh, I'm starting to sound like the scary Christian Youth I sat near in Barnes and Noble last night. I'm not very religious, but I do think that divine intervention occured today.

The rest of the day was fairly standard, but I am still riding the buzz from this interview going so well. Alex came over tonight, and I reheated the leftover stir fry I made yesterday for us to eat. He was very appreciative and complimentary, which made me feel great.

I had one minor bump though, and I'm working past that. I got a letter in the mail today from my mail order pharmacy saying that they couldn't fill my prescription for Wellbutrin because it "wasn't authorized by my insurance company". So, I talked to the pharmacy and my doctor today, and it seems that I need to call the insurance company to get this straightened out. I don't get it. The insurance authorized me to see this doctor - I don't understand why they won't authorize filling my prescription at the benefit rates. Freakin idiots. I HATE United Healthcare insurance, and I will NEVER use them again.

No idea what I'm doing tomorrow, outside of calling my insurance company and yelling at them. I kind of like not knowing what I am going to do. Maybe I will go to the library, or go for a walk in downtown Vancouver. I think a cup of hot chocolate and a good book at a downtown cafe will be in order for tomorrow. :)

Nodes That I Wrote Recently:
Bunch of nodes about the Hate comic book
All kinds of stuff! I did the "noding for numbers" thing yesterday since I wanted to finally get to level 5. They are all relevant nodes, just somewhat dry. If you really want to know what they are, go look me up in user search. :)
You should also read the The Great Grand E2 Book Lotto node!

CD’s I’ve Listened To Today:
Download - III
Bauhaus - The Sky's Gone Out
DJ Icey - Essential Mix

Today’s Horoscope on my Calendar - The Ram's superlative mental skills come to the rescue. Yesterday's struggles can be displaced by your genius to find solutions as the Sun energizes Pallas. The fields of law, politics, and journalism hold enormous promise.