In logic, there are four reformulations of any given implication: the implication itself, the converse, the inverse, and the contrapositive.

For a given implication a implies b, the inverse is formed by not a implies not b.

Note that an implication and its contrapositive are logically equivalent, while its converse and inverse are logically equivalent. Note further that the converse and inverse are usually logically unrelated to the implication and its contrapositive, except in the case of an iff.

An example: "If it's raining then the streets are wet". a is "it's raining" and b is "the streets are wet". Here's a truth table:
   a   |   b   | not a | not b | a --> b | not a --> not b | a <-> b
   T   |   T   |   F   |   F   |    T    |        T        |    T
   T   |   F   |   F   |   T   |    F    |        T        |    F
   F   |   T   |   T   |   F   |    T    |        F        |    F
   F   |   F   |   T   |   T   |    T    |        T        |    T
The last column is "a if and only if b" which is true exactly when a --> b and b --> a, i.e. "a implies b and b implies a". For the iff statement, all four implication forms from above are logically equivalent.