On long conversations and college-like sleeping habits

Some of you may have read me being alcohol-buzzy on the chatbox yesterday, describing a documentary I saw on the internet. My plan was to kill an hour or two while my phone was charging before heading to my mom's house for the weekend. The planned schdeule was something like this:

  • 7.30-ish: leave my house and leave for the bus station
  • 8-ish: buy a ticket and a Subway pizza sandwich
  • 8.20-ish: board the bus, eat the sandwich, nap the entire trip
  • 10.ish: show up at my mom's
  • 11-ish: TF2 session

However, apparently some idiot tried to kill his girlfriend by pushing her on the subway tracks. Fortunately, he missed. Unfortunately, all trains were stopped for almost an hour while I was inside it (we were between stations when the order to stop came and we stayed in the dark for a while). That caused me to actually get to me mum's almost at 12 with no sandwich and with the alcohol buzz long gone from being hot and angry in the subway.

Anyway, I was expecting her to be asleep watching the late night baseball game, but she wasn't. We hugged a lot and she asked all the questions a mother has to ask when his son comes to visit. No, I don't have a girlfriend. Yes, my job still exists and still pays (not always on time, but it always ends up paying). Yes, that cavity is now removed and even though I bike to and from work everyday, my bones are still intact.

Then came the difficult questions: Do I like living alone? Would I be better with a roomie? Do I like my job? Have I considered other options? I gave her some truth, but not all because I only have bits of truth. It's difficult to answer these things to someone else if you haven't figured them out yourself.

We ended up chatting until 2AM, which of course was incredibly good for me. When we decided to call it a night, I mentioned how odd is that she's up at 2AM.

- Aw, shucks. I have to be at La Salle tomorrow

- Well, but your class doesn't start until 11 AM, doesn't it?

- Not anymore, now it starts at 7

- Well, now you know why some mornings I wouldn't wake up

- I guess so. I'm not used to being in school anymore

- Don't worry. All you need now is some beer and videogames and you'll have a replica of my Friday night experience in college

- No wonder you took an extra semester to finish to finish your thesis.

- (Silence)

- Besides, I've seen you play that shooty thingy and I don't understand shit. I'm better off with a bowl of popcorn and The Godfather. Good night

I love me mum