I had a lucid dream today, or at least some of it was.

I was in this building, a cabin I think. It was two years in the future and from my perspective the dream started in the present and ended up two years ahead in a very short amount of time. I was quite at a loss, shocked that so much time could flash forward so quickly, and terrified that if I even blinked my life would be over before it even started. "This is impossible," I thought. How could so much time pass so quickly? Dreaming came forth as a logical explanation, which was confirmed by my ability to bend space and teleport from place to place.

I had some fun teleporting for a while, though I never changed the setting of the dream. I could've, if I wanted to, but I couldn't think of anywhere better to be for some reason (half of my brain must've been asleep if I was going to be that boring. I started to feel the sensation of lying in bed at one point and remembered that spinning is supposed to strengthen the dream, so I did and it worked.

At some point I forgot I was dreaming and the scene changed. I was standing around with people in black t-shirts thinking about how fun lucid dreaming is. It wasn't long after that I opened my eyes in reality and looked at the clock.

7:45. I was going to miss the bus! Why didn't my alarm ever go off? A few seconds later I realized it was the evening.

Later I watched the president's address to congress, which was interesting although I'll admit I don't know enough about health care/insurance to know if plan will work. For some reason I trust Obama knows what he's doing (or at least knows a lot more than me) but that's probably a mistake, he is a politician after all. It was interesting how fox followed up the speech immediately with Obama-bashing and how the commercial break only contained one ad, which was about this Canadian lady who says American healthcare saved her life (I'm assuming she has lots of money) and Canadian healthcare (what Obama is proposing???) would have killed her.