Holy shit, that was a bad accident! Motherfuck! It was so loud! Had to be the worst accident I've ever been in! That fuckin truck came outta NOWHERE! Jack didn't run that stoplight did he? No, Jack's never run a light, not the entire time I've known him. It was the asshole driving the truck, he must have...

Ugh. I'm lying on the pavement. It's cold and wet. Maybe the rain had something to do with the accident. The air, I like how it smells, that fresh, cleansed smell of it after a good rain, especially combined with the coolness of fall nights, like tonight. So why am I lying out here, though? I had my seat belt on, I always put it on. In fact, that stupid fucking Tempo Jack was driving had those retarded automatic seat belts. Of course I had a belt on! Why am I out of the car, then? Man, Jack's car is really fucked up, pretty smashed in. That truck hit it hard. Here comes Jack now, stumbling over to me. He has a nasty-looking, bloody gash across his forehead.

"Dude!" Jack yells, his breath all white and cloudy around him. I need to ask him just what in the hell happened, and why am I on the road? Shit! I can't talk! What the fuck? Oh no, I'm really starting to get a really bad feeling here. Jack looks like he's going to vomit. He keeps looking to me, then back at the car, then back at me...

I'm looking back at the car. Yeah, it's smashed up, but... Wait. Somebody's arm is hanging out of it. There's a ton of blood around it and the door. Who is that? Is that my watch? My watch on that arm's wrist? Shit, that's my body!

Oh. That explains a lot.