A New Frontier In Bodily Beautification

Long (well, 25 years or so) have the women of the world been aware of the vaunted Brazilian bikini wax, which involves applying very hot, viscous wax to the hair on a woman's vulva and then violently pulling it off with a nylon/plastic pad. Many consider the effect of a hairless, smooth vulva sexy and rejuvenating. (And no, for Pete's sake, does such an affinity have anything at all to do with pedophilia in adults. Personally, I prefer the Brazilian look because it affords a view of one of the most beautiful parts of the female body that would otherwise be concealed by hair. It also makes cunnilingus much more enjoyable for the performer and the receiver.)

Men of the world: the 2000s have brought the introduction of the "Boyzilian" bikini wax, which is exactly the same as the Brazilian except that it's done on a man's penis, scrotum and perineum (and, for an extra charge, the anus and buttocks, too).

Given the radically different structures between external male and female genitalia, the Boyzilian is somewhat different and a lot more work for the person performing the waxing. Since male pubic hair grows in random directions, there's no grain to work the wax against, requiring tiny swatches of hair to be waxed off, and the hairs that are unwaxable are carefully tweezed out. It's about as painful as it sounds, and it inspired in me the same fight-or-flight reaction mentioned in prole's writeup above. In spite of the pain, however, it leaves one's penis looking shiny and new, and infinitely more smooth and sexy-feeling than shaving it does. The standard price for the Boyzilian, as of this writing, runs about $125 (USD). In my estimation, it was worth every penny.

I got it done in conjunction with getting my legs waxed. I highly recommend it. Though it's painful, the pain is transient and by the time it's finished, you'll feel like a new man. Or a new boy, if that's what you're aiming for.

Sources for comparison's sake:
