Last night i got drunk. really drunk.

i didn't particularly mean to it just happened. not my fault even.
there are several people i could blame my drunkenness on, in no particular order they are: psydereal, kimonade, mellissa joan hart, whoever writes the scripts for dumb teen movies, and the owners of the McCormick liquor company (particularly those who oversee the vodka division).

i couldn't help it. there is a certain point where too much teen perkiness makes me want to vomit so i have to keep the bile down with a good amount of alcohol. i only place kim and chris on the list cause they supplied me with said alcohol.

so i got drunk. and i ranted, a lot.
mostly on how shitty high school was and how much cliques suck and how i wish i'd lost my virginity to this guy i was seeing last year. and then we all tried to play truth or dare and it sort of degenerated into this big truth telling orgy wherein i finally managed to tell three of my better friends that i am bi.
it just sucks that it took getting drunk to do it i guess. the big problem with sobriety though is how to bring stuff like that up...i mean really, think about it.

me: lovely weather we're having isn't it kim?

kim: yup

me: think it'll get cold again?

kim: i dunno

me: so i am sexually attracted to boys and girls.

kim: *confused expression*

so in order to avoid something like that happening i just never really brought it up.
that and not knowing exactly how they'd take it.

which brings me to the general point of this "diary" entry: how fucking cool my friends are and how much i love them. if it weren't for them i'd have gone plum crazy eons ago, but i don't because they are there as my backup and i hope like hell that i am a good backup for them too.

which is why, after stumbling home dead drunk with dave-o (and flashing a guy in a scholarship hall while dave mooned him), and after having slept things off a bit i got up this morning with the hungover intention of joining everything as to be sort of a link to my friends. (whom i really didn't see much of last semester)

so here i am. i don't really feel up to posting an actual bit of information as of yet but i thought i'd solidify my joining by writing this at least.

and thats it. love your old friends madly, make your new ones carefully and drink better vodka than McCormicks. that's all the advice i can offer.