I marvel at the irony that members of traditionally oppressed subcultures* are granted the right to declare what name the greater populace should call them, even changing that name as frequently as they choose, while another group isn't even allowed to name themselves.

I am an American.

You have the right to call me a Yank, a capitalist running dog, an imperialist swine, a defiler of the environment, or even a norteamericano. But I, as an American, exercising my freedom of speech, will call myself an American.

And my country, in the vernacular, is America. If you want formality, it's the United States of America. The next time one of the Brits demands that formality, I'll ask them to make sure they specify all of Her Majesty's titles** when referring to her.

* Think: nigger, black, person of color, colored person, African-American.
** Good luck. The Queen's title changes depending on which of her realms she is currently in, as well.