Lately I've been feeling neglected, as if the world could give a shit I existed. My parents are never home and when they are they don't even talk to me. My mom doesn't even make dinner for us anymore and my dad only talks to us when he's angry or wants something. My sister, well she's pregnant so I have to deal with all the moods and stuff while no one else will. My cat is the only one that really cares for me, though she only comes to me for affection and food. The only real people I have are the ones on #everything, and even then I get some crap from them. Apparently bongy was using me to get to clearpebbles, knarphie stopped talking to me on the phone, jessicapierce made some comment about me, booyaa's never really on anymore, and clearpebbles, well I don't think she really likes me in anyway.

Though of course there are some of the #everything people that do enjoy talking to me, though I really know of only two, Saige and anemotis. And even then anemotis doesn't use IRC, and Saige, well she hardly is on.

So the whole point is that lately I have been feeling neglected. Maybe I need to stop.