A small cult/new religious organization based around the divine truths revealed through examination of The Partridge Family. Worshippers dress in glam, stalk the cast of the show and run for political office. The group was recently featured in the Portland Mercury 1in an expose of the violent nature of the Portland franchise and the truth and lies behind the rumors of fascism, racism, orgies, urine drinking and incest. The current leader, Shaun Partridge (Shaun Fairlee), revealed his take on the rumors in the article - no to everything but the urine. "I've been fascinated about urine since I was a child. Before I knew what masturbation was, I used to piss on myself." The other draw of the article was the accusation of domestic abuse towards Officer Partridge (Morgan Tisdale, son of Portland author Sally Tisdale), accused of beating his ex-girlfriend at a club when she threw a drink in his face. Apparently it's only one of the many fights in bars and clubs to come from the chapter. All tabloid-style fun aside, they're scarily serious about their theology of divine TV stars. Explore the faith at http://www.kapelovitz.com/pft/

1: http://www.portlandmercury.com/2000-10-05/feature.html