(some of these recipes are my own, some are stolen from Starbucks (the evil corporation that I will be working for over the summer), still others are from various other sources, but I believe that most are fairly standard)


The heroin (or heroine) of coffee drinks; the most concentrated natural form of caffeine.

Stovetop method): You will need a steam-infusion coffee pot, which is like a tea kettle on top of another chamber more similar to regular pot. These start at around $15. Put your coffee (2 rounded tablespoons) and your water (3 oz. per cup) in the lower chamber, then screw on the top part TIGHTLY. Because steam occupies more space than water, it is filtered up to the top pot. When all the steam has done this, your espresso is ready to drink.

drip method: There are two types of drip espresso makers. One is a stovetop model, which is usually about $25, and the other is an electric model, which is far more convenient, for about $50. The taste difference is negligible. Fill the espresso basket to the top. Tamp the espresso, usually 30-40 psi works, although it depends on your roast and grind. For darker roasts and coarser grinds, you usually want to tamp it a bit harder than light roasts and finer grinds. Put the basket in place and brew. Brewing = water boils and steam attatches to the coffee; then the coffee drips into the espresso cup. Generally there will be small bubbles or froth on top of the espresso. Underneath that the espresso will be dark brown or black.

Brew using an espresso machine Use your favorite type of coffee, I like to use French roast for my standard drinks, but Italian, and Columbian work well also. Any type of coffee will suffice, this is very much up to you. You may drink espresso in shots, or mix it with other ingredients.


Milk that has been heated by pumping steam into it. Use a cold metal container with cold milk inside, and insert the steam tube (usually attatched to an espresso machine) about 3 inches below the milk level. You will see the milk swirl and bubble a bit. For more information, consult How to steam milk.


Milk that has been heated to make a foam. Similar to steamed milk, only the tube is inserted about 1/2 inch below the milk line, making more bubbles.


Espresso Macchiato- Espresso with a bit of foam on top.

Espresso con Panna- One shot of espresso with whipped cream on top. I have been told that the proper way to drink Espresso con Panna is to take the shot, then eat the whipped cream, lest it go bad. I have not noticed a difference.

Café Americano- Espresso and hot water. Generally a 50/50 recipe, I like mine stronger, others might prefer weaker. To make a cold Americano, simply pour the hot espresso over lots of ice. Some ice will melt, and the rest will just chill the drink.

Cappuccino- Espresso topped with foamed milk. General proportions are ¼ espresso, ¼ steamed milk and ½ foamed milk. Can be topped with cinnamon, cocoa powder or nutmeg.

Café Breve- Espresso and steamed half and half. General proportions are 1/8 espresso (I like to bring it up to ¼ myself) ¾ steamed half and half, and 1/8 foamed half and half.

Café Latte- Café Breve with milk instead of half and half.

Café Mocha- Café Latte with about 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup. Can also be made by mixing espresso with hot chocolate (but please don’t use Swiss Miss)

To make Cappuccinos, Breves, Lattes or Mochas on ice, first brew the espresso, then add sugar, flavor syrup or chocolate to taste, add cold milk, cream or half and half, and pour over ice. You must add the ice last. Otherwise you will end up with a watered down drink.