When I was "new" here and logged in I saw my user name at the bottom of the Other Users list. I just thought the order of the list was due to the sequence users had logged in. I know there are 'better' writers here, and if THEY know it too I doubt that they really need to see their name at the top of the list to bask in any perceived glory.

Under the current system having your name at the top of the list is only a transitory pleasure, as the next new writeup knocks your name off. The advantage of the present system is that when a writer sees their name fall on the list it might spur them on to write more. I think the message is: Don't rest on your laurels.



PS: Could the Users' XP be shown in brackets (like the symbols for Content Editors, etc.)? That would be one way to clearly distinguish the highest-ranked writers, if the need for such information is deemed necessary.

PPS: Hey, you didn't really need to start new users at ZERO!