I has a new program is called Dragon speak it to voice recognition software it seems very strange to talk to my computer I actually got it for my son it appears that he has a problem with writing so the teacher and an evaluator thought that possibly if he doesn't have to write physically he might be able to finish a story he has a very good imagination and if you give town guidelines he can write for you but if you just give him a general task such as right as story about a frog that crossed the road he has difficulties this theory is that if he can just tell a story it might help

The preceding paragraph was written by my dictating to this new program... It's actually called Dragon Naturally Speaking, and I did buy it for my son Ian. According to an evaluator from the local school system, he may have some sort of writing disorder, I'm not sure what. It's true, Ian hates to write, and is much better at simply telling a story, so I was willing to invest the approximately $90.- for this top-of-the-line voice recognition software.

To test it out, I set up a user for myself. When you set up a new user, you have to spend quite a bit of time talking to it so that it internalizes your voice patterns. Apparently, the more you use it the better it gets at it. Alex was at his computer when I was talking to mine, and pretty soon he was almost falling out of his chair with laughter. It must be a pretty funny sight, watching someone who generally doesn't talk very much anyway reading "Dogbert's principles of business management" to their monitor.

The process of testing this program has made me realize what an intensely private person I am when it comes to any sort of creativity. I prefer to be by myself when I write, and the thought of dictating a writeup makes me very uncomfortable. Apparently, my son is the exact opposite. I hope this is an indication that maybe I've encouraged him to be creative, and not ridiculed his efforts.

I have a hard time communicating verbally anyway. It's been a complaint of at least one past partner that I can't open up and discuss important and distressing relationship issues face to face. I'm much more the type who sits down and opens up in an e-mail or by IM. I think it makes me uncomfortable not to be able to take the time to choose my words carefully. Some of this is probably residue from the abusive marriage I was in, where I had best choose my words very carefully lest my ex's wrath be stirred. I hate it; I'd much rather be able to sit down and have open and frank discussions face to face about things that bother me, but even with my love, who so often is thinking exactly the same thing I am I have problems. Any in the least sensitive issue I want or need to talk about is rehearsed hundreds of times in my head, with all possible responses gone through, and put off again and again until it can't wait anymore. I know in my head that he supports me, and that things that seem like a big deal to me he'll probably just solve or dismiss with a laugh and a smile, so I don't know why I'm like this.

The irony of this place is that because of this character trait, I've shared so much more of myself with you, most of whom I'll never meet, than with many people whom I love with all my heart. When I decided to let my sister know what was going on back when I was going through my nasty divorce, I referred her here. In return, many of you have shared with me your joys and pains, not intending to share them with me as such, but still inviting my participation. I hope I've been able to help some of you, be it only with a kind word, as much as your support has helped me in some of the truly dark times of my life. For me, that is the value and meaning of this place, and the reason that I won't let E2 fade away.

I don't mean to say that factuals and fiction, poetry and prose, are secondary. I'm a dedicated factnoder myself, and a great admirer of those of you who can write the things I myself cannot. But it's the people, the community, the love that keep me coming back here. Thank you.