A Mgumbi tree is an ancient Kenyan tree that holds the historically significant Treetop Hotel, located somewhere in Kenya. The hotel is actually about ten feet off of the ground, making it one of the most unique accomodations in Africa. It offers some interesting features such as a watering hole known to be a late night spot for dozens of different species of African wildlife, which is located right beside the structure. Such prominant figures as queens, politicans, and actors/actresses, have stayed in the Treetop Hotel, which is another reason for its historical interest and popularity.

Oddly, I couldn't find any information about the ancient tree or the hotel on the net. I learned of its existance in a Travel & Tourism class.. it seems infinitely intriguing. If anyone else knows anything, any details, please, by all means, let them be known. I don't even know if it is still there, but I'd sure like to.

I'm quite sure that I've got the spelling of Mgumbi correct, but if I don't, it's only because it's been a while since I've seen it in print. :)