a really poor excuse for a Perl script.

version 0.1: pulls down my home node, does some stupid stuff to get to the "write ups/experience" line, strips away the html and the number of write ups from the next line, and all that remains is my current amount of experience.

(and yeah yeah I know about the whole e2 as a MUD, XP whore thing .. I was just bored and Perl is cool)

# pull down my current exp on e2.
# - ithron (25. May 2000)

@homenode = `lynx -source http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=425857`;

foreach (@homenode) {
    if ($f == 1) {
        $_ =~ s/\<.+?\>//g;
        $_ =~ s/\d+\///;
        print $_ . "\n";
    if ($_ =~ /experience/) { $f = 1 }

# eop.

version 0.2: does basically the same thing as version one except it now gets the experience and number of nodes, prints both of those out, and then computes and prints the experience to nodes ratio.

# v1: pull down my current exp on e2 - ithron (25. May 2000)
# v2: show exp to nodes ratio - ithron (28. May 2000)

@homenode = `lynx -source http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=425857`;

foreach (@homenode) {
    if ($f == 1) { 
        $_ =~ s/\<.+?\>//g;
        ($num, $exp) = split(/\//, $_);
    if ($_ =~ /experience/) { $f = 1 }

print "\n    nodes: $num\n";
print "      exp: $exp\n";
print "exp/nodes: " . substr($exp/$num, 0, 3) . "\n\n";

# eop.

version 0.3: does everything version 2 does except one can now look at any e2 user's exp, etc. ... also threw in "use strict;" and "-w" for respectability.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# v1: pull down my current exp on e2 - ithron (25. May 2000)
# v2: show exp to node ratio - (28. May 2000)
# v3: v2 + ability to look at anybody's node/exp info - (26. Jun 2000)
# usage: e2exp.pl [e2 user]

use strict;

# in order of appearance ...
my ($user, @usernode, $f, $num, $exp);

if (!$ARGV[0]) { print "usage: e2exp.pl [e2 user]\n" and exit; }

foreach (@ARGV) { $user .= $_ . " "; }

$user =~ s/ $//;        # :)

# replace common non-alphanumeric chars with their
# respective url hex values.
$user =~ s/ /%20/g;
$user =~ s/\+/%2b/g;
$user =~ s/\[/%5b/g;
$user =~ s/\]/%5d/g;
$user =~ s/_/%5f/g;

@usernode = `lynx -source http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=$user`;

if ($usernode[10] =~ /Duplicates Found/) {
    foreach (@usernode) {
        if ($_ =~ /\(user\)/) {
            $_ =~ s/\\.*$//;
            @usernode = `lynx -source http://everything2.com$_`;

$f = 0;

foreach (@usernode) {
    if ($f == 1) {
        $_ =~ s/\<.+?\>//g;
        ($num, $exp) = split(/\//, $_);
    if ($_ =~ /experience/) { $f = 1 }

print "\n   nodes: $num\n";
print "     exp: $exp\n";
print "exp/node: " . substr($exp/$num, 0, 3) . "\n\n";

# eop.

version 0.4: got rid of the `lynx` kludge and started using LWP .. and URI::Escape .. also cleaned some miscellaneous stuff up .. thanks to rescdsk and various other #everything-ites for debug help, etc.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ithron (ithron@charter.net)
# e2exp.pl
# 0.4 (06/27/00): using LWP and uri::escape now, some code clean up, etc.
# 0.3 (06/26/00): 0.2 + ability to look at anybody's node/exp info.
# 0.2 (05/28/00): show exp to node ratio.         
# 0.1 (05/25/00): pull down my current exp on e2.
# usage: e2exp.pl [e2 user]

use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use URI::Escape;

my $version = "0.4";

# in order of appearance ...
my ($user, @usernode, $f, $num, $exp);

if (!$ARGV[0]) || ($ARGV[0] =~ /-(h|(-)?help)/) || ($ARGV[0] =~ /-(v|V|(-)?ver(sion)?)/)) { 
    print "e2exp.pl ver. $version\n";
    print "by ithron (ithron\@charter.net)\n\n";
    print "usage: e2exp.pl [e2 user]\n";

foreach (@ARGV) { $user .= $_ . " "; }

$user =~ s/ $//;        # :)
$user = uri_escape($user, "^A-Za-z0-9");
@usernode = split(/\n/, get("http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=$user"));

if ($usernode[10] =~ /Duplicates Found/) {
    foreach (@usernode) {
        if ($_ =~ /\(user\)/) {
            $_ =~ s/\\.*$//;
            @usernode = split(/\n/, get("http://everything2.com$_"));

$f = 0;

foreach (@usernode) {
    if ($f == 1) { 
        $_ =~ s/\<.+?\>//g;
        if ($_ !~ /n\/a/) { ($num, $exp) = split(/\//, $_); }
        else { print "this is a special user. nodes/exp are not applicable.\n" and exit; }
    if ($_ =~ /experience/) { $f = 1 }

print "\n   nodes: $num\n";
print "     exp: $exp\n";
print "exp/node: " . substr($exp/$num, 0, 4) . "\n\n";

# eop.