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  • At the park it started to rain and we took cover, sort of, under a leaky wooden thing. We laughed at the rain and each other and the fact that we hadn't wanted to come to the park in the first place, but we'd been there for six hours now.

  • The guy with the dreads impressed the tv executive with his encyclopedia of knowledge about this new obscure little show. I watched five minutes of it with the kids and we were all rapt. A marionette switched to animation switched to live-action, and it was all brilliant, we could not tear our eyes away. Executive guy hired dreads guy, which was fortunate, as dreads was homeless.

  • Pete's neighbors had left a box of photos by the curb and I couldn't help but go through it. I gathered what I could and rang his bell. A Hasidic Jew who flickered into being Pete let me in, but into a new hallway, and inside everything was different. What possessed him to get a yellow bedspread? I thought, and I wanted to hug him but was already awake. Shouldn't have wasted all that time with the pictures.

  • Sitting on the cool hard floor of the emergency room. Megan Reynolds and Megan from Felicity came in. Megan R. had a walkman in a plastic bag and I was amazed at how loud and clear it made the music. I just heard that album this morning. Megan R. was confused - what album? You know, the guy from Wilco. Whatshisname, Tweed. I pointed at the walkman and saw it was a book. She laughed at me and I realized the music was coming through the overhead system, as it had been continuously, all day, and I didn't really know what album it was. And why was I in the emergency room?

  • A man made out of sticks, revolving. Voice-over: Most people are disturbed if the angle of the arms joining the body is the same as the legs dividing at the crotch. We learned that from The Nightmare Before Christmas.