In sudden excitement over the wonder of computer producing almost intelligible text, I went and wrote a markov-chainer of my own. After a couple of failed attempts at database managemnt, I went and learned SQL, and installed MySQL. Then I downloaded the complete workd of shakespeare and various other old literature. Then I scanned all literature I had in computerized form as fodder to this simple markov-chain rant generator. The generator itself was moronically simple, operating on the following simple rule: "count all triplets of three consecutive words in source text. Pick two random words, and from then on, each following word is random word with the relative probability the same as its frequency in source text, following the last two generated words".

The first experimental versions produced text that people could, and would, interpret as poetry. The first experimental version was hardly even intelligible and got interpreted by wannabe-poet friend in interesting ways:

and most cool froodiness to come and sage defender sky and being despised by grave and grew and suppose if
galahad oh it's against my friend and buggering up like this is your time flies over then guard oh yes
and ready at all people love will to feel touch her mind like we can't talk to take her nature
slowing down side his impending doom when she was his leg was definitely recognizable for any confidence truth suddenly his

The second production I improved a bit, mostly by removing misplaced words, adding maybe total of two words and all the punctuation, then fed it to my english assignment whose deadline was tomorrow. Got second-best grade from it, too, with comment "insightful, as usual". Located at Night Brawler.

And supposing you're not yet totally asleep, here are pieces of poetry/incoherent stories (the addition of automatical punctuation seems to have made the output relatively more coherent but equally less poetic) fresh & unedited (except for links) from the machine, with different word libraries used:

  1. Literature from 19th and 20th centuries; Can Such Things Be, Crime and Punishment, Joys of Being Woman, Through the Looking Glass and The Time Machine:

    carries with her,
    and his odd,
    and another a quiet enough spot the fork of the road? i sat, and alice knew which was not the first of the retail relation that 50 occasions the peculiar blight incurred by the spirit hath powers of the people of san francisco the next course.

    the piece most con venient to his capture and conviction. of his attention by a box of cast off became uneasy,

    at last, in full confidence of renewed day it is interesting to examine some results to the loqua cious barber of the cabin.
    if possibly there was the first person we meet again!
    do let's pretend the glass in here and there, and sat down again,
    it had been in foreign countries and had a fire that was true!
    i'm afraid i don't care about going on long, shock headed fellow,

    he did so, long she got back to your post, as we,

    for was not possible simultaneously to beautify my brain as in regard to all its manifestations and suggestions. he was far too

  2. Neon Genesis Evangelion fan fictions: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Revelations and Neon Exodus Evangelion:

    crime to visit shinji?
    shinji asked, looking from them do to people's sensibility 12 days ago. since dr. akagi have both been told,
    said berard, who, asuka finished for him.
    hadn't even made any impatient noises,

    so all that crap about them.

    neither sea nor sky seemed to have a moment,
    then four tones,

    then looked up as the train pulled up just as the administration had agreed that keeping the quaver out of a mouth exposed by the day's events; instead he'd got that jbs2 you used to combat the seventh child?
    did i hit him so a number of switches on her feet,

    until he caught a launch of the evangelion project, replied truss as he had planted himself in the valley below,
    in the single shot echoed for several minutes of reactor failure, then turned around, each of the hatch, fast!
    observation posts alpha through epsilon report visual sightings of ground forces have just a single lonesome figure sat on the offer and her cheeks.

    rei! do anything,

    i suggest you use

  3. Shakespeare's collected works: too many to list here (I think my netscape is stretching its limits; I'm sure it'll crash any second now, along with this writeup.)

    digression by some other time. antony. yet him for my sake.

    thurio. ay,

    on mine so that other mine, my boy, tell true.


    i will. if this be borne to that end am i come to you so? tyb.

    thou hast prevail'd;
    and let me see. come,

    let him come in, until our city did.

    anon, anon becomes a man as he is not careful what they weigh not every man prophetically do forethink thy fall as those should do some good news, while greasy joan doth keel the pot of good comfort bring i to her.

    she got the tune of light.

    i am no traitor's letters.


    zounds, he says, and nobody sees me go, your hand to hold a sceptre, or none or little, and blush of modesty thy skipping spirit; for if the other half in all men's pride i boast her off and on the traitor cade surpris'd?

    or will you lie,

    your empery,

    your father's in some sort,


The code producing these, should anyone care, is dreadful and incredibly slow mess that, if exposed to sunlight, would probably grow teeth, hands and implant the head of a microsoft marketing drone. It is integrated to ViaVoice TTS though, meaning that it will read the poetry it generates aloud. The effect of this, combined with "infinite poetry mode" and some optimizations to enable it create poetry realtime makes a nice bedtime story teller. For some reason I become pretty nauseous soon though, listening it.