A boodle fight is a messy and seemingly uncivilized yet extremely practical way of serving a meal to a large group of people when in the middle of nowhere and eating utensils are not easily available.

Basically you find a big flat surface, put some banana leaves as a mantle pour all the rice you can get and cook, pour all the viand or veggies you have and call the beginning of the boodle fight.

This method of serving food is most commonly used among military troops that are deployed in the said middle of nowhere but is also traditionally done at non formal military type of gatherings.

While from above it does look like a huge dog dish put amidst a hungry pack of wolves the boodle fight helps foster camaraderie among the people taking part. In some recent publicity stunt, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines had herself photographed while engaged in a boodle fight with troops deployed in southern .ph.

Another thing you might want to know is that banana leaves contain an enzyme (its name escapes me) that helps in stimulating one's appetite.