For the first time in my life… I opened the door today, I stepped outside, and… I
aching night freezing around me, I ran. I ran until my throat felt like it was
bleeding, I ran until my legs
ached and turned to
jelly, I ran until my hands were numb and the wind
stung my eyes. I ran from you. I ran from me. I ran from the world. Faster and faster, on through the
icy darkness, tears plastered on my
cheeks, I ran until I couldn’t breath, I ran until my nose was running
violently down my chin, I ran until my sides were caving in and my feet were
cramped. I ran until my lungs were raw, and
my chest burned. I ran until I wished I were dead, and I ran until
it didn’t really matter if I were dead or not. I ran until there was nothing but constant pounding in my head. I ran… and ran… and
ran. Miles and miles, hours and hours…
But you still make me burn.