My sister used to tell me
“Everything2 is like a brain.
That’s what attracted me.
All the nodes, like neurons
Connected to each other more and more.”
Or something like that.
Isn’t it annoying?
Now that I’ve taken that memory out
Dusted it off
Embellished it
Who knows what she really said
Flashes of light now
And some where I blank out entirely
For just a moment
Only when I’ve eaten
I’m still avoiding carbs
Could be absence seizures
But she said seizures hurt
These do not hurt
And are accompanied by muscle twitches
Or muscles rolling gently across my frame
I was scared at first
Because I thought they were neurons
Bursting into brain flame
And burning out
Brief candles
But I don’t think that’s right either
I think it is plaques
Deposits of antibody
Small pushpins in the wrong place
Being released like stars