Laura Ella Dukes, a.k.a. Little Laura Dukes, b.1907-d.1992, Memphis blues musician and singer.


Back then I remember

you and I went to a funeral


on a day made for a funeral


a gray day with a rusty rain

not bitter cold but cold


old blues guy died

Memphis legend

opened once for The Rolling Stones

and Bob was there and you and I

and Little Laura Dukes


Bob wore those suspenders

with the tennis racquets on them


those suspenders always made us laugh

but no one laughed that day

we bit the inside of our cheeks 

that day

and stood in a stale rain


they lowered the casket into the ground

and Little Laura teetered up


and did what we would never do 


frail and small

like a skeleton child


four foot six and seventy-two


so close to the grave we thought she would fall


we bit our cheeks 

we looked at our shoes


and she bent down

and waved goodbye


you and I weren’t half the size

of Little Laura Dukes.