With Supervixen working a gnarly double at the airport and TinyGranny escaping to the beach for the weekend, I'm playing house husband today, a role I thoroughly enjoy. Anyhoo, I'm making my and Vix's bed when RunningHammer wanders in with a Lego afixed to his left pinkie.

"Daddy, look at my spider hand."

"Oooo -- spooky."

"It has powers of snatching people."

"I see."

I smoothed the sheets and tucked them under. With a flair I tossed the comforter so that it lay almost perfectly over the bed.

"Daddy, can I pretend I'm a girl?"

"No." A horrible knee-jerk reaction, I know. I folded Vix's pajamas and placed them under the pillows.

He gave an exasperated sigh and switched the Lego to another finger. "Dad-dy, I mean a ninjagirl."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing out loud. "Oh, a ninjagirl. I didn't know. Of course you can be one of those."

"Because a ninjagirl can be both a boy and a girl that's because they have superpowers."

I picked some socks from the floor and three-pointed them in to the hamper. He climbed on to the bed. "Wanna see a cool move?"

"Yes, but be careful." I stood by to prevent any potential disaster.

He did his version of a flying roundhouse kick and landed on his fanny. "How was that move?"

"Well done, buddy."

He bounced off the bed and headed out of the room. "It's what a ninjagirl would do."