I used to work at a large car company. At one point, PeTA decided to target our company with charges that we were a big bad killer of animals in crash tests. The charges questioned why we didn't simply use crash test dummies in accident testing, like our competitors. Peta advocated avoiding us in favor of more enlightened crash test dummy using competitors. The PR guys and the lawyers were called in to investigate. Were the charges true?

No. They were completely bogus. Incredibly, they just made really detailed stuff up out of nowhere. Also, the admonition to avoid our cars was incredibly galling... After all, our company invented the crash test dummy as a way to stop using animals in crash tests. Then, because it knew that both human and animal lives would be saved, it gave this technology away for free to the other automobile manufacturers.

No good deed goes unpunished.

PeTA did not admit it had made a mistake; they did retract their incorrect comments in a cover your ass kind of way because we were going to sue them into oblivion for publishing lies. Of course, the retraction was not spamfaxed to thousands of fax machines and plastered on billboards worldwide.