Centrelink is the government office responsible for the Australian social security system.

It organises payments for students, the unemployed and low socio-economic groups. People have to go into the Centrelink offices to hand in forms, have interviews about on-going payments and to sometimes organise job interviews.

On any given day, if you go into the offices of Centrelink you'll run into a group of bewildered, hungover and skanky students (of which I am one), unemployed down-trodden men and women and lost-looking Centrelink first-timers. The lines are ultra-long, a lot of people don't use deoderant, and no-one likes to have to beg for money from the government. It isn't the best part of the day for anyone.

Today I had to go to the office in a part of the city which is known for it's high crime rate and high occurance of mullet hair cuts and flannel shirts (flannos). It added even more fun to my experience as I was standing behind one of the colourful locals who was informing all those around him that he wasn't going to f*cking come in every f*cking week and tell these f*cking c***s what he was doing, he had enough trouble with the missus at home...

Ah yes, Centrelink fun. I love my fortnightly forays into that wacky office. I would like to live there...