So I'm filling out my College Application, what critical work, debating whether the application itself something worthwile to node, or just NFN.

I'm up to the part where you list your extra-curricular activities, and community contributions. Well, Boy Scouts and EMT Youth Squad are both good, but I'd also like to gloat over how I'm level 6 with a node-fu of 8.3. Buuuuut, I can't.

Apparently the guidance counselor reccomended against it, they want something more tangible, like newspaper articles and conventional awards. Declaring your E2 prowess is sorta 'risky' to include in an application. Level 6 isn't exactly something you can print out on a page and enclose with the application. (Maybe if I'm blessed, the interviewer will have heard of this site, better yet, or be TheBooBooKitty) I already had to omit the line about reading every issue of 2600 ("Too controversial of a magazine"). Just because you do a lot of web work doesn't mean anything more than you are an expert in computers, apparently, as far as admissions go. Now if I was an Editor/member of edev/Nate, then it would look very impressive. Alas, I can't. I wonder if Pseudo_intellectual can put it on his resume...