Sir Paul McCartney calls it "The Daily"
Andrea McArdle calls it "The Daily"

I dreamt I saw Joe Hill last night. Oops! Wrong dream. I had a dream last night that Everything 2 had soft links working properly; at the bottom of each node was all the links one would have seen in Classic Everything. Alas, it was but a dream.

I dozed off, in the wee small hours, to the radiophonic strains of Beethoven's ninth symphony, and was reminded, oddly, of Merv Griffin.

After the film adaptation of A Clockwork Orange came out (1971?), the local Merv affiliate (The Station Formerly Known as WNEW-TV) regularly ran a cool-for-its-day Merv promo, featuring a nicely-edited montage of still photos from the show, backed by that jaunty theme from the latter part of the symphony, played on Moogs by Walter (now Wendy) Carlos for the Clockwork soundtrack.

When I eventually heard the actual Beethoven version (a few months later), I was disappointed that that theme didn't have the oomph! of Carlos' version. (Ludwig's ghost then suddenly appeared, and said, "Let Mr. Carlos come up with his own themes, and we'll see how much oomph! he has, you little expletive deleted!").

So I nod off into dreamland with visions of oomph!, Malcolm (R.I.P.), Arthur Treacher (Merv's sidekick; R.I.P.), and a sudden craving for fish and chips...