It's snowing

I love snow, it makes me all excited inside. I got up, Sarah looked out of the window and let out a brief, but significant "Yipee". It's made my day and it's only 10:10! I hope it carries on snowing all day, then I can cycle home after work and have fun. I haven't done that for years. I feel like I'm 6 again, and it's christmas day.

If anyone needs me, I'll have my nose pressed to the window until lunch. Then I'm going to the pub for lunch and I get to go out in it!!

update: 10:23
Big fat hairy bollocks
It stopped snowing :(

update(part deux): 16:22
Yet another woohoo
Only 2 weeks to go until my last day of testing!! Then I get moved onto another project. I don't know what it is or what it involves but it HAS to better than this! This is really good news for me and makes me sooo happy. It's gotten to the stage where even the smallest things on this project get to me. If the device crashes or even the computer I now have a tendency to swear profusely. Oh well, it won't be my problem for much longer. I just have to write a short report for the day the I'm off home. Finishing before 6 is a real luxury!

Signing off for the week