It's not whether you win or lose, it's where you place the blame.
MA in Psychology, New Mexico State University (in progress)
BA in Psychology, University of New Mexico, 2003
BA in German, University of New Mexico, 2003
Minor in communication.
I'm a minister for the Universal Life Church, and I am a Destiny Manager in my spare time. I play Mao.
My incubus seduced your succubus!
Possible Future writeups:
- Don't get your scientific panties in a ruffle (er... maybe not)
- The Natural Law (economics of mating--)
- Social proof (woot)
- Human propulsion systems (fancy name for motivation)
- Robobiology (analog intelligence... mathematical models are too complicated for intelligent action)
- Question the question before you contemplate the answer (Why am I such a loser?)
- Behavior Therapy (Freud was an idiot... these people are not)
- Cognitive restructuring (yeh, woot)
- Evolutionary Psychology (irrelevant objections)
- Physics is circular... like psychology is circular..
*I can neither confirm nor deny your inquiries.
(Lists generated Thu Dec 16 05:41:03 2004 GMT, as of Evolution of language writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)
5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
3C! Just because you've ordered doesn't mean you can't look at the menu 1
March 4, 2003 2
4C! The reemergence of fascism 3
1C! neurolinguistic programming (tied) 4
August 23, 2002 (tied) 4
5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 Claque
2 (tied) Wartburg
2 (tied) Telodendron
2 (tied) generalization
2 (tied) Pacing
2 (tied) 4-tuple
2 (tied) John Grinder
2 (tied) Two dimensional model of innovation
2 (tied) Terrorgruppe
5 Highest Goodness Writeups
3C! The Werther Effect (tied) 1
4C! Carl Jung (tied) 1
2C! United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (tied) 1
1C! Syntactic ambiguity (tied) 1
2C! Working memory (tied) 1
1C! Thought loop (tied) 1
1C! Jung's Psychological Types (tied) 1
1C! Alfred Korzybski (tied) 1
1C! Neuschwanstein (tied) 1
1C! hypothalamus (tied) 1
Broca's Area (tied) 1
1C! Vestibular sense (tied) 1
1C! Psychology of love (tied) 1
Eye accessing cues (tied) 1
2C! Memory retrieval cues (tied) 1
Nystagmus (tied) 1
limbic system (tied) 1
Single-photon emission computed tomography (tied) 1
Creativity (tied) 1
1C! Culture and psychopathology (tied) 1
1C! Virginia Satir (tied) 1
Somatosensory cortex (tied) 1
Systematic desensitization (tied) 1
1C! Love and Awakening (tied) 1
1C! Elementalism (tied) 1
Erich Honecker (tied) 1
Karl Marx and the Socialist Labor Movement (tied) 1
anchor (tied) 1
Diglossia (tied) 1
Punctuation ambiguity (tied) 1
motor cortex (tied) 1
Evolution of language (tied) 1
Fritz Perls (tied) 1
phonological ambiguity (tied) 1
TOTE Model (tied) 1
Magnetoencephalography (tied) 1
1C! Sensation (tied) 1
Lobbyist (tied) 1
Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light (tied) 1
neuroimaging (tied) 1
Don Schrader (tied) 1
Rauchbier (tied) 1
Richard Bandler (tied) 1
ambiguity (tied) 1
Calibration (tied) 1
Saccade (tied) 1
Telodendron (tied) 1
John Grinder (tied) 1
Pacing (tied) 1
Wartburg (tied) 1
Claque (tied) 1
5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 Planetary imperative
2 Grinnell College
3 Schloss Arenfels
4 Thought ball
5 (tied) Stahleck Castle
5 (tied) Polkaholics
5 Most Reputable Writeups
3C! Just because you've ordered doesn't mean you can't look at the menu 1
1C! neurolinguistic programming 2
3C! The Werther Effect 3
4C! Carl Jung 4
4C! The reemergence of fascism (tied) 5
2C! Communist Party, USA (tied) 5
5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 Planetary imperative
2 Schloss Arenfels
3 (tied) Grinnell College
3 (tied) Polkaholics
3 (tied) Stahleck Castle
3 (tied) Terrorgruppe
3 (tied) 4-tuple
3 (tied) generalization
3 (tied) Two dimensional model of innovation
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