"NLP is an attitude and a methodology
that leaves behind a trail of techniques." Richard Bandler
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a branch of
cognitive and
behavioral psychology whose primary concern is to model behavior and cognition. It was developed in the 1970's by
Richard Bandler and
John Grinder from their work in
modeling. They initially modelled family therapist
Virginia Satir, Gestalt therapist
Fritz Perls, hypnotherapist
Milton H. Erickson and
Gregory Bateson. They derived much of the theory behind their work from
General Semantics and
Transformational Generative Grammar. Bandler describes NLP as the "
study of the structure of subjective experience." At times it has also been called the
study of things that work.
Although NLP started in the field of therapy, it has now been expanded to include such diverse topics as sales, persuasion and even seduction (ladies beware).
NLP Presuppositions:
NLP Topics: