Excellent radio phone-in "gameshow" of sorts that used to be played daily during the week during by BBC Radio 1 DJs Mark and Lard. The premise was simple: at the start of the show, Mark Radcliffe would read out a news story from the day's paper. For the duration of the show listeners would then send in (via phone, txt or email) songs whose titles were particularly appropriate to the subject matter, the best which Mark and Lard would read out on air during links.

The chosen news story is usually more likely to focus on items like Michael Jackson dangling a baby from his balcony than America declaring war on Iraq, mainly because the former provides better material for listener suggestions. For example (short pause while I raid my MP3 collection):

Finally, at the end of the show, the top ten song titles (judged by both appropriateness and the song's quality) would be read out, and the top three would be played. Given M&L's taste for classic rock you could usually depend on some high-quality tunes of yesteryear to make it into the top three, which would always be read out according to the same format. Like this:

    Mark Radcliffe and Marc "the boy Lard" Riley: Slam-dunkin' into the top three, three records have SENSAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..............

    (very long pause)

    (a selection of humorous, unidentifiable sound effects)

    Both:: ........TIONALLY slam-dunked into the top three, in the last twenty-four hours. And propping up the top three, like -

    Mark Radcliffe: (some insane simile, for example) - a gazelle on a space hopper propping up the Leaning Tower of Pisa -

    Both: - BUT WITH RECORDS, it's Gun's N' Roses...

    (the top three records are then played in succession.)

The Cheesily Cheerful Chart Challenge was dropped briefly when Mark and Lard moved to their current time slot between the hours of 1pm and 3pm, but soon returned in a leaner, meaner and more streamlined form as the Son of Cheesily.

Thanks to jasstrong for that gazelle simile.