The last month has been a very interesting one. Last weekend, my parents came and visited me. It was very nice, they came in on Thursday night and stayed at the Four-point Sheraton in Revere. We ate at some steak place (oh what was its name again?). It was judged by my dad to be the " place we ate at" (the other places were the Summer Shack in North Cambridge and some home-cooking place in Plymouth.

We went to the Navy Yard on Friday and then Plymouth & Cape Cod (all the way to Race Point) on Saturday....Fun!

Backing up a little in time, had Thanksgiving (oh those sweet potatoes were GREAT!) with a friend from work, and then a couple weeks later went on a pub crawl, my first.

I'm actually going to take a little Christmas vacation at the insistence of my boss's boss. My boss had another round of his emotionalism....he is being challenged to utilize everyone more wisely...and you-know-what rolls downhill.

Finally, our company is in a new place...the move went smoothly (which isn't surprising, considering its just a few blocks away from the old place).