I often have third person dreams... dreams where for the most part I'm not actually in the action, but watching it... like I'm watching a movie.

This most recent dream was no exception... It started off as though I was watching the whole thing on television. Two-dimensional & kind of grainy. I could see, from above, a large group of people sitting indian-style on the ground, as though protesting something. Then, from the top of the frame, a batalion of tanks rolls in... rolling over row after row of people.

The tanks move out of the frame again, leaving... well... pieces of people scattered everywhere. Then vaguely official looking people walk in, bearing fire-hoses... using them like leaf-blowers to shepherd all of the dismembered protesters into neat piles.

Then... wham. I'm there on the ground with them, just kind of walking around. The thing is, they're all still alive those protesters, and they start yelling and moaning all these horror-movie dream sequence clichés at me. Like, "Help me, please!" and "My God it hurts!" (Hey, I didn't write this stuff.. well, I guess I did... sort of.) But they're all in pieces, of course, so there's not much that I can do for them. I just kind of give them an "I'm sorry" shrug.

One really odd thing was that their veins were snaking out of their... uh... stumps like little wires.

I'm not nuts... Really, I'm not. I'm just continuing a long tradition of sane people who have really weird dreams.