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Fri Dec 26 2003 at 12:50:03 (21.3 years ago )
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Sat Jan 10 2004 at 19:56:32 (21.2 years ago )
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streams of consciousness with a weird logical twist
Domgymnasium Verden
The System is the Error
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Born July 13th (no, it was a sunday), 1986 in Kiel, Germany, my parents (and therefore I) moved to a tiny little town, whose name roughly translates into "dirt" when I was four.

After another two years of threatening kids in the kindergarden with homemade electro shockers, I went to Luttum Elementary school. I was the star in our classes plays. I once played a pancake, that was way weird. I mean, a crêpe, okay, but a pancake? Anyway.

After I finished elementary school, I went to the Orientierungsstufe Kirchlinteln (Orientierungsstufe is a really crappy thing. Imagine your state sends you to school for two extra years BECAUSE THEY CAN. That's Orientierungsstufe. And it sucks.). Not too much happening there, really. It was quite boring. We figured the school was actually a distraction and there was a nuclear missile launch bay below it, though we could never prove that. On wednesdays you would be able to buy hot sausages from the house keepers. Why do house keepers sell their weeners, I mean Wieners, instead of keeping the house clean? The school was a mess.

It must have been 1998 when I reached the Domgymnasium Verden. No, its not a gymnasium. It's like the ultimate in schools. German schools go Hauptschule (not so smart kids), Realschule (medium smart kids, incidently Hitler went to that kind of school) and Gymnasium, which, despite from the name, is for smart kids. Me. Look at me, I am smart.

I do not have much of a recollection of 7th and 8th grade. Some time in 7th grade I used to have an aquarium in school, which was quite cool cause I could stay inside when it was raining. In 8th grade I joined the astronomy club. I know that sounds lame, but that is the only place where you can poke fun at the stupid astronomy teacher without getting into trouble. And believe me, we poked a lot of fun at him. Like when he fell asleep during a presentation in a planetarium.

You can find a writeup of 9th and 10th grade in my "Cheffi Steffi" node. I spent 11th grade in Anderson, CA, as an exchange student. I had a great time. You can find more info under my 40 Acre Ranch node.

I am in twelfth grade now. I will write up some information on my English class "4You" with our teacher "Frantje" later on. I write for the school's newspaper "Schnauze". My graduation will hopefully be in 2005. Then the Wehrmacht is going to try and draft me. They are probably planning to invade Poland again, I dunno.

So here I am, on the second day of christmas, typing up my career. I hope you did not find this useful. If you did, heck, I can't help you either.