Pint is a "new media" user group in Portland, Oregon. They meet for drinks on the third Thursday of every month to have beer, chat about the internet industry and mainly try and get laid.

From the site
Hosted monthly at an exclusive locale, Pint of Portland provides a casual venue for interactive professionals to mix and mingle. Please be advised—this is not a technical discussion group! Pint of Portland is a place where interactives get together to discuss the philosophies of the medium as well as have a few drinks. No presentations, no guest speakers, and no free mouse pads. Our only rule is that you FOLLOW THE METHOD.

For those of you wondering, this is THE METHOD:
The idea is simple: you want to expand your network. So, when you arrive on the scene, locate someone you do not know who is without drink, find out what they'd like to drink, and then buy it for them! Chances are you will receive your own drink soon, so hang steady while you make your new acquaintance.