I'd left the office in a large city with Claire, one of my engineers. I was without shoes. We arrived at a building that had a below-ground reception, where I checked with the receptionist and was given a pair of new trainers, unlaced. I knew that there was something sinister about this reception.. and then it occured to me that this was the HQ of a government spy organisation.

I glanced up at a digital display panel (very long, like a stock exchange's zipper display), and saw a series of announcements by the IIA, including the new boardmembers. The executive director came over to me, and asked if I would give a speech to the new boardmembers about current internet policy. I knew I had to get back to the office, but agreed. I sat on a stool and started to lace my new shoes, and seemed to have trouble speaking to the people who'd gathered in a semi-circle (those damn shoes needed lacing..)