“That’s the last straw…”

I now have a nice older laptop. It’s great. It was also the last straw however. My mother told me not to buy this particular computer. “People don’t do that. It’s a lemon.” Maybe people do do that. I didn’t buy it from just anyone. I bought it from a noder. Someone I’ve spent a lot of time talking to and trust enough to give him my mailing address. He sold this to me as a favor. Would have given it to me. I offered him the money. He never asked. I know he needs the money. He has car repairs to pay as well as other day to day life expenses.

My parents have been looking for that “last straw” for a while now. Now they had a reason to take DSL internet away. All internet away. What it takes now to log on is more than I want to go into. What it’s going to take for me to have a chance of passing my online class now is more than I even want to think about right now.

I’m scared. I don’t know what’s going to happen now. My mom is looking into some kind of assisted or independent living. I don’t know what’s going on. My mom no longer talks to me. Once we were close. That was a lifetime ago. Now she talks at me. Asks me questions “why did you do that?” but the answers don’t matter. Everything just makes her more and more angry. I don’t know what to say or do. Like Eggz said, “Don't give up baby..” I’ll try…

I’ll try