Police State Fragments

  • I arrive at Allen's apartment, lavishly decorated by his landlord. No one is home however and I walk around the place, checking out the many strange artifacts from other countries. I wonder where he and Nicole are. I get a strange feeling, as if they are here but I can't see or hear them. They arrive then, greeting me warmly. Allen says we're in for an eventful night.

  • Sitting around a broken wooden table in a field which has been informally designated as a garbage dump. With Allen, Nicole, and some others, I bring out my tiny glass jar and look inside. It's a mixture of marijuana and psilocybe cubensis. I hesitate but proceed to pack a bowl of this shamanic mix into the glass pipe I am offered. It's passed around the circle a couple of times and I fill it again. I feel distinctly stoned, and sense the growing body tingle of an impending mind fuck. Then the cops show up, busting down the hurricane fence and heading towards us. I deftly hide my jar under a bit of carpet lying near my foot and drop the pipe into a hole. They force us out of the field and cart us away to the mind control headquarters.