Indonesian word for noodles.

In the Netherlands, the culinary ecological niche filled by Chinese Restaurants in Britain and North America is occupied by Chinese-Indonesian restaurants. The Dutch have a long (and convoluted) historic connection with the East Indies. During the 1950s there was an enormous influx of immigrants and expats from the newly independent Dutch colonies. Many of these immigrants realized that there was a market for Indonesian food, and started their own restaurants and shops.

So if you go to the Netherlands, and fancy a Chinese meal, you're going to be confronted with a menu that features some unfamiliar terms. Mie or Mi will be noodles, though more often you'll see it listed as Bami. (I think that the "Ba-" prefix indicated that they're egg noodles, but I'm afraid I haven't been able to track down a conclusive reference.)

Bami Goreng is fried noodles, usually served with a slice of ham and a gently fried egg. (Similarly, Nasi Goreng is fried rice.)