user since
Tue Oct 23 2001 at 18:55:10 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Sat Feb 7 2015 at 16:11:22 (10.1 years ago )
number of write-ups
55 - View tallman's writeups (feed)
level / experience
7 (Chronicler) / 2909
mission drive within everything
monkeys, robots, sexual perversion, and any combination thereof
robot monkey sex nodes
46 & 2 ahead of me.
most recent writeup
Dan Gable
Send private message to tallman

Cool Man Eddie says Yo, the entire node Gravity's Rainbow, in which you have a writeup, was editor cooled. Your reward is knowing you're cooler than liquid nitrogen.
*sigh* I just realized that I haven't written a node in about half a year. I'll have to remedy that. I also realized that I have been a member of the e2film group since its inception, yet I have not actually noded a film or even a screenwriter or director since then. I'll see what I can do...
Dan Gable, wrestling hero.
Each will have his personal Rocket.
I have finally completed reviewing Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow. Check out the node. As always, any comments or suggestions are welcome...
Hi, my name is Mark and I am a noder.
One of these days, I'll actually update my "Mission Drive within Everything" and "Specialties" sections to be somewhat accurate. That day is not today.

Welcome to Tallnode

By day, I am a mild mannered website developer for a major electronic retailer. By night, I can be seen leaping from rooftop to rooftop while fighting crime under the name tallman. I am a figment of the world's collective imagination and I operate out of a secret underground lair located in an all pervading, infinitely elastic, massless medium formerly postulated as the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves.

One would be tempted to think that my name is self-expanatory, but then, they would be thinking wrong, for I am not considered by many to be a "tall" man. Why, then, did I choose this misnomer? To be honest, I don't know. I derived the name from a cherished and somewhat obscure 70s horror flick, but I in no way resemble the Tall Man present in that film (or its nefarious sequels). About 4 years ago I began posting on my first message boards and I realized that I needed a name. I was watching said film just about everyday at the time, so I figured tallman was good enough. And it just stuck...

(Lists generated Thu Jan 29 18:30:28 2004 GMT, as of Dan Gable writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
4C! 12 Monkeys 1
3C! Das Boot 2
2C! Francis Ford Coppola 3
3C! Green Berets 4
2C! America's Stonehenge 5

5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 Inverse Cost and Quality Law
2 Purest Feeling
3 David Twohy 1C!
4 (tied) Wu Xia Pian
4 (tied) Villanova University
4 (tied) Devil's bridge 1C!
4 (tied) The Black School

5 Highest Goodness Writeups
There are 38 writeups tied for
#1 and I only have 55 writups.

5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 Dan Gable 1C!
2 Purest Feeling
3 Villanova University
4 The Hierophant 2C!
5 Turboing 1C!

5 Most Reputable Writeups
4C! 12 Monkeys 1
3C! Das Boot 2
2C! Francis Ford Coppola 3
2C! America's Stonehenge 4
3C! Green Berets (tied) 5
5C! Rear Window (tied) 5

5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 (tied) Purest Feeling
1 (tied) Inverse Cost and Quality Law
3 Dan Gable 1C!
4 Villanova University
5 David Twohy 1C!

Really extra cool writeups: (not written by me) History:
11.26.01 - Reached Level 2 with Colonial Marines
02.04.02 - 666 XP. The end is near.
05.09.02 - 666 Devotion. The time of purification has begun.
07.29.02 - 100% Coolratio!
10.15.02 - Honor Roll in effect (I think), bumped to L3. Horray.

* The people who are cool are people I enjoy reading or talking to (check them out).

** This list is way out of date - but I'm still very thankful! I extend thanks to all those who have C!ed any of my writeups, or who have given me insightful feedback and help. They are also cool. There doesn't seem to be any concensus in Please stop thanking me for cooling your writeup, but I now thank people anyway, because riverrun straightened me out. Some people have been kind enough to C! 2 or more of my writeups, and they have (x) next to their name (I'm starting to lose track, I think!). I may be missing some people on this list, but I'm still grateful for their help and encouragement.
Vote Tagging!
I've decided to spend most of my votes on vote tagging various people whose writeups I find interesting or who have helped me out in some way. I've tagged or plan to tag the following people:

Progression of a Noder
mmmm... statistics:
      E2 USER INFO: changes since Fri Jan 16 10:25:52 2004
nodes:   54          xp:       2185 (+14)  cools:     82        
level:   2           xp req:   0           nodes req: 16        
max rep: 108         min rep:  8           total rep: 1413      
node-fu: 40.46       WNF:      42.35       coolratio: 151.85%
merit:   22.52       devotion: 1216   
person: 35.2%    place: 11.1%    thing: 31.5%    idea: 22.2%    

        E2 USER INFO: changes since Thu May  9 12:26:02 2002
nodes:   48          xp:       1060 (+6)   cools:     38       
level:   2           xp req:   0           nodes req: 22       
max rep: 35          min rep:  4 (+1)      total rep: 735 (+18)
node-fu: 22.08       WNF:      24.23       coolratio: 79.17%
merit:   13.88       devotion: 666 (+18)

person: 35.4%    place: 12.5%    thing: 29.2%    idea: 22.9%   

        E2 USER INFO: updated at Tue Feb  5 05:26:47 2002
nodes:   41          xp:      666         cools:     28       
level:   2           xp req:  0           nodes req: 29       
max rep: 34          min rep: 2           total rep: 552      
node-fu: 16.24       WNF:     21.29       coolratio: 68.29%

        E2 USER INFO: changes since Fri Jan 11 21:51:00 2002
nodes:   39          xp:      507         cools:     25       
level:   2           xp req:  0           nodes req: 31       
max rep: 32          min rep: 1           total rep: 491      
node-fu: 13.00       WNF:     20.00       coolratio: 64.10% 

person: 38.5%    place: 12.8%    thing: 33.3%    idea: 15.4%   

        E2 USER INFO: changes since Tue Dec 11 08:13:54 2001
nodes:   31          xp:      263         cools:     16       
level:   2           xp req:  0           nodes req: 39       
max rep: 21          min rep: 1           total rep: 300      
node-fu: 8.48        WNF:     15.84       coolratio: 51.61% 
person: 38.7%    place: 16.1%    thing: 29.0%    idea: 16.1%   

        E2 USER INFO: Wed Nov  7 07:08:18 2001
nodes:   14          xp:      59          cools:     5    
level:   1           xp req:  0           nodes req: 11     
max rep: 14          min rep: 3           total rep: 109 
node-fu: 4.21        WNF:     12.36       coolratio: 35.71%

person: 28.6%    place: 21.4%    thing: 28.6%    idea: 21.4%   

E2 Nodegel Visualizer:
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 | @OO @@   O              @@                                   
 | OOOOO                                                        
0+---------------------------------------------------------------> now

2002.01.03 at 12:46 DyRE says your tallnode will be taller if you abuse the <br /> tag.

DyRE was right.